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Helpful Stories

This is where you’ll find stories and creative reflections to inspire you and move you. More will be added week by week.

Notes to a Novice

In this short film, Father Christopher offers some reflections from his time as a 'novice', and some helpful tips to those who may be novices when it comes to self-isolating.

Notes to a Novice

Notes to a Novice

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Locked Down Psalm

Fr Xavier Perrin has written a psalm addressing the feelings of grief some of us may be facing during this uncertain time.


In this piece, he shares how faith can be a powerful tool to feel a sense of comfort and peace during this crisis.

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If You Can't... Poem

Fr Luke Bell OSB has written a poem on ways we can use the lockdown period as a tool for reflection. 

In this piece, he comments that despite not being able to go outside, this is an opportunity to look within and examine our relationships, virtues, and capacity for love.

Get Out Of Your Head

Fr Luke Bell OSB has written a reflection about manual labour and how practical, daily tasks can be a useful coping strategy for those experiencing isolation or social distancing.

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The Silence is your Friend

Fr Luke Bell OSB has written a reflection about silence. Use these words as a you go about your daily business, such as working, taking exercise, reading a good book etc.

The Silence is Your Friend

The Silence is Your Friend

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  • The silence is your friend. The silence of your agenda is your friend. The silence of your social contacts is your friend. The silence of the traffic is your friend.

  • Listen to the silence. Notice what you do not notice when there is no silence. Look at the sky. Listen to the birds. 

  • Listen to your heart. Let its loves, its hopes and its fears speak, but listen to something even deeper in your heart.

  • Listen to the silence in your heart. Listen to the silence that is deeper than your fears. Listen to the silence that is deeper than your hopes. Listen to the silence that is even deeper than your loves.

  • Speak. Speak in the silence of your heart. If you know a Sacred Name, speak it in the silence of your heart. And listen. The silence is your friend.



Atmospheric Easter-themed drama exploring death and the nature of human existence. 

In the midst of a ferocious thunderstorm, Joe and Nick, two no-nonsense Irishmen, are carrying a body into a cave for burial. It’s a messy business, their wrapped-up friend having met a grim end. But their relief at getting out of the rain is short lived, when an earthquake traps them inside.

While Nick tries to find a way out, Joe (played by Father Ted star Jim Norton) strikes up a conversation with his unexpectedly talkative dead friend.

Things Unseen Podcast: Entombed

Through Music We are Connected

Bachfest Malasia have shared their beautiful rendition of Bach's "St. Matthew Passion". The sounds of the video are completely original, all recorded with each member's cell phone. The video was done in less than 36 hours, from compiling to the final product. Bachfest Malasia say, 'We hope that this will be an encouragement to all of us who are currently experiencing the epidemic on different levels ... We would like to thank all our musicians who contributed to this project with such short notice.

Kitty O’Meara - The People, An Antidote To Global Anxiety And Uncertainty

As featured on Share the Wealth, Kitty O’Meara’s beautiful poem ensuring the Earth that it will recover and be better for it.

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