Fr Luke Bell OSB has written a reflection about silence. Use these words as a you go about your daily business, such as working, taking exercise, reading a good book etc.
The silence is your friend. The silence of your agenda is your friend. The silence of your social contacts is your friend. The silence of the traffic is your friend.
Listen to the silence. Notice what you do not notice when there is no silence. Look at the sky. Listen to the birds.
Listen to your heart. Let its loves, its hopes and its fears speak, but listen to something even deeper in your heart.
Listen to the silence in your heart. Listen to the silence that is deeper than your fears. Listen to the silence that is deeper than your hopes. Listen to the silence that is even deeper than your loves.
Speak. Speak in the silence of your heart. If you know a Sacred Name, speak it in the silence of your heart. And listen. The silence is your friend.